Okay so I have fallen off on blogging (big surprise).
I've been quite busy lately. Not so much with work...work is steady and interesting, but not at all stressful,which is great!
Some things that have been keeping me busy:
1. I've been busy helping hubby with some of his college courses. I love his determination to go back. I know its difficult for him as he is working full-time and all, but he is doing a GREAT job.
2. We planted our new veggies. We just planted Basil (again), Okra (again), Cucumbers, Bell peppers (again), Jalapeno Peppers (again), watermelon, rosemary(mmmmm, it smells so good), and cilantro. We are trying several new items as you see. I can't wait to see what actually up and what doesn't. The fun part is seeing the things grow. Now, if we can just watch out for those pesky birds and rabbits from last year lol.
3. We are planning our vacation. YAY!!!! can't wait. Planning a vacation is as fun as the actual vacation. We are also going to plan a getway soon and a couples getaway with some of our friends.
4. I have been trying to get into couponing. I have started clipping some coupons. I read some were recently that you should try to clip use at least $20 of coupon when you grocery shop. So, we will see how that goes.
5. We have been working on some ideas for our backyard. I need to get some plans in stone. I want to make sure it comes out to be something that I really like and backyard oasis that I can enjoy. I LOVE BEING OUTSIDE!!!! I have become obsessed as always with outdoor items. I will do a post later of the items that I am lusting over LOL.
6. We planted a new tree in our front yard. Due to the drought, one of the trees was looking miserable. So, we went ahead and replaced it before we get a nasty letter from our homeowner's association.
So, all in all, I have been quite the busy bee.
What have you guys been up to lately. Post a comment and let me know!