Thursday, February 21, 2013

25-26 weeks Belly Bump Update & Valentine Pics

 Valentines Day. Hey, I can be a sexy pregnant mommie if I want to. How do you like the shoes? Check out the split on the skirt. The skirt is from Ross. It is not maternity (so I can wear it later) and it is super comfy. The shirt is an oldie but goodie I threw on a thin belt from forever 21 to accentuate my belly bump.

 Quick pic of me and hubby in the car before we got to the galleria for dinner. He's soooo handsome.

How far along? 26 weeks, 5 days

Size? According to my what to expect baby app, baby is the about the size of cucumber 15 in and 2.2lbs

Weight gain/loss? I haven't weighed myself, but I don't think that I've gained any from last time.

Maternity Clothes? Yes, my wardrobe choices are getting smaller, but I really don't want to buy much more maternity wear since I only have a little bit longer before the due date.
Stretch Marks? None so far. Still keeping the belly moisturized.
Wedding Rings on or off? On, no swelling or anything thus far.
Sleep? Sleeping good. Still very sleepy some mornings before work, yet on the weekends I am bright eyed and bushy tailed and can't sleep in....weird. Also, I have been having some acid reflux that has been waking me up, but I guess that it is partly my fault since I love spicy foods and Mexican dishes....mmmm salsa.

Best Moment of the Week(s)? 
1. Valentines Week - My hubby sent the prettiest tulips and the card made me cry, especially when he stated that he can't wait to share our love with Little Tucker. I couldn't have picked a better husband. He is going to be such a great father!!!
2. Touring the hospital - We toured one hospital and finally toured the second and final hospital that my doctor delivers out of. We LOVED the second hospital (Methodist) so we will be going with them. Actually, my doc had mentioned previously that it was her preference, but we wanted to of course view it before hand ourselves. The labor and delivery floor and rooms feel like a little hotel. Actually, you can order "room service" and choose your meal from the menu....HA! no hospital take- it- or- leave- it- food. Also, there is no set visiting hours. This might come in handy since our family is out of town.

Miss anything? Nothing these weeks. 
Food Cravings/Aversions? Have been craving more sweets lately and still love spicy food and mexican dishes....but they don't like me afterwards with the acid reflux

Gender? It's a BOY!!!!!! Tucker Louis Thompson

Happy or moody most? Still a happy pregnant woman.

Labor signs? None.

Belly button in or out? In, but one side tries to poke out sometimes

Looking forward to? Getting the nursery more set. We just got the dresser this week, but hubby has to put it together. After that I can arrange the items and hang some of the décor items. I still need a lamp, changing pad, mirror, and a small table. 

 The waitress was making us laugh!

 Back from dinner. Nice and full. Hubby's tie is from TJ Maxx. It is the Donald Trump Collection and I got it for him as a stocking stuffer for Christmas. It was on clearance and marked waaaay down. This was his first time wearing. I think he looks HOT!

 Ready to eat of course. Dinner was great. We went to Phillippe . I had the salmon and a salad and hubby the scallops. I even had a VIRGIN margarita...woohooo go me. It was really good! We met a fun older couple (they sat at the table next to us) and we talked with them a bit before we left.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Look what was at our door the other day

This was waiting at our door when we got home the other day.

Yes!!! The crib for our baby boy, Little Tucker

More to come soon.................................

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gender Reveal Gathering

We had a few friends come over to our house a couple of weeks before Christmas. Hubby and I thought that this would be a great time to revel the gender of the baby.

We knew the gender for sometime because since I am age 35, I opted to get genetic disorder test done that checks for downs syndrome, etc. The new test is called MaterniT21 and is less evasive than having an amniocentesis or CVS test done. This test was just a simple blood draw. From that test, since it checked chromosomes anyway, they can also determine the sex, by seeing if a Y chromosome is present, thus making baby a boy.

We didn't tell our friends that we planned to reveal the gender when they came over. They didn't even know that we knew the gender already.

Everyone also wrote their guesess on the chalkboard. Yes, one of our friends guessed twins LOL

 I also made some lips and mustaches on a stick so everyone could pick their guess of the sex when they arrived.

(note: you can always click pictures to make them larger)

Eddie guessed twins so he has lips and a mustache lol

So, I ordered some cupcakes with blue filling inside from HEB in Katy. Thus, after everyone ate dinner. They had to take a bite of the cupcake to see if there was pink or blue inside to find out if it was girl or boy.


 Say Cheese, Angie!!!! IT'S a BABY BOY!!!! :-)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bump-date 22-24 weeks

 At 23 weeks

At 22 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks and 1 day

Size? According to my what to expect baby app, baby is the size of an egglant (about 9in, 1.7lbs)

Weight gain/loss? I weighed myself at home and I my scale says that I am 153 pounds, but my scale has consistently been about 5 pounds off. So it looks like I have went down in size from my last doctor's appointment in which I was 153 then.

Maternity Clothes? I bought a couple of non maternity dresses and skirts just in a size bigger or of strecthy material to wear out to dinner or a night on the town with friends. Pretty much all my pre-pregnancy clothing doesn't fit anymore (either too tight or the shirts too short for my baby bump)
Stretch Marks? None. I wore some tights with a dress the other night to go out with the hubby and his brother, and I had a bit of scare, the tights left a red mark on my belly. Luckily, it went a way. I quickly mosturized my belly. Im okay if I get stretch marks, but I want to do as much as I can to prevent them if possible. I really hope to get back in a bikini at some point. :-)
Wedding Rings on or off? On
Sleep? Sleeping great. Luckily, no pregnancy insomnia and I have not needed one of those huge pregnancy body pillows. Hope this continues for as long as possible.

Best Moment of the Week(s)? 
1. Any movements that I feel from baby make me happy. It lets me know that he is okay in there, especially between ultrasounds and doctor's appointments. Baby has been really good to me lately. Seems to be a pretty chill, that from Dad since I am typically a Type A type of person.
2. Oh, the nursery paint is done!!! Hubby did an excellent job. The edging (which is the hardest part to me) is spectacular and looks professional. I think he could do this professionally or at least for some of our neighbors.
3. I got some items that I ordered online for the room delivered. One is a rug and another is baskets that I plan to use for toys. Can't wait to get the room setup and see how it transforms.

Miss anything? Not much these few weeks. Missing wine is diminishing. I found a non-alcoholic lime margarita at Cost Plus World Market that is SOOOOOOO goood. It tastes just like a limearita and is really refreshing. So, its a good treat every now and then with dinner.
Food Cravings/Aversions? Have been craving more sweets lately and still love spicy food and mexican dishes.

Gender? It's a BOY!!!!!! See future post on the gender reveal party.

Happy or moody most? Happy, but watch out. I can go pregnant woman crazy at any given second if I feel that it is necessary. Some people have already witnessed the pregnant woman's wrath lol.

Labor signs? None.

Belly button in or out? In but still shallow.

Looking forward to? Since hubby has painted the nursery (see transformation in a future post), I am looking forward to getting the crib, picking up my rocking chair/glider and getting the dresser. Basically, can't wait until the larger items are setup. Decor items like curtains, lamps will fall in to place later.